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Table 3 Interaction of intervention with the period for each outcome

From: The impact of communication training on the clinical care of hypertension in general practice: a cluster randomized controlled trial in China


Parameter estimated (PE)

95% CI


GPsa (n = 27)

 Communication skills

0.612 (0.178)

0.310, 0.907


Patientsb (n = 540)

 Hypertension knowledge

0.233 (0.061)

0.098, 0.514

 < 0.001


0.495 (0.127)

0.116, 0.706


 SBP (mmHg)

-0.803 (0.200)

-1.327, -0.389

 < 0.001

 DBP (mmHg)

-0.918 (0.243)

-1.694, -0.634

 < 0.001

  1. aAdjusted for gender, age, years providing care, and education
  2. bAdjusted for gender, age, marital status, education, income per month, smoking, drinking, family history of hypertension, cardiovascular family history, comorbid conditions, diabetes, duration of diagnosis, BMI
  3. Communication skills, set elicit give understand end framework (SEGUE); Knowledge, Hypertension Knowledge-Level Scale (HK-LS); Satisfaction, European Task Force on Patient Evaluation of General Practice (EUROPE)