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Table 1 Focus group questions by stage of PETS-Now development

From: Development and acceptability of PETS-Now, an electronic point-of-care tool to monitor treatment burden in patients with multiple chronic conditions: a multi-method study


Sample questions

Content elicitation (i.e., exploring new topics) and PRO workflow

• Patient focus groups

  o Consider the information you currently provide directly to your primary care team during a typical appointment. Imagine you are getting ready for a conversation with your clinical team, and you are making a list of topics you want to cover. What are the general topics that are typically most important for you to discuss with them?

  o Would you be willing to answer the questions at home, say a day or two before a scheduled appointment? How long would you be willing to spend answering the questions?

• Provider focus groups

  o Consider topics that you would like to discuss with your patient but normally do not? These are things that you wish you could talk to them about, but that don’t ever seem to come up, or things that you are not sure how to ask about. What topics might be important?

Review of PETS content domains (i.e., confirming existing topics)

• Patient and provider focus groups

  o What content domains (i.e., themes) should definitely be included or definitely be dropped from the electronic tool? Which content domains are on the border?

  o Are there some content domains that can be combined, i.e., they are similar enough to be expressed as a single domain on the tool?

Prototype testing for usability

• Patient focus groups

  o What are your impressions of how easy or hard the tool is to use? How much help do you think patients will need learning how to use it?

  o What do you think of the overall look of it (including the colors and size of the text)?

  o How easy or hard was it to figure out how to click on things or move between screens?

• Provider focus groups

  o Are these the sorts of things you would like to know about your patients? Is there any other information collected that you would like to have reported back and available to you during the appointment with a patient?

  o How long do you think it would take to review a report like this with a patient? How well do you think this will fit into your workflow?