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Table 2 Aspects of insufficient professionalism (n = 22)

From: Unprofessional behaviour of GP residents leading to a dismissal dispute: characteristics and outcomes of those who appeal


% (n)


Failure to engage

40.9 (9)

Absent on shifts or education days


No active learning attitude, including not participating in education or insufficient upkeep of portfolio


Avoiding providing care for specific patient groups

Dishonest behaviour

9.1 (2)

Resumé fraud


Incorrect registration of working hours

Disrespectful behaviour

27.3 (6)

Conflicts with staff


Patient complaints


Lack of empathy



Poor self-awareness

86.4 (19)

Insufficient follow-up after feedback


Avoiding or externalizing feedback


Inability to take responsibility for their personal share in insufficiencies


Inability to accept or profit from feedback


Inability to adjust behaviour


Superficial self-reflection


Insufficient reflection on actions/situations/consultations


Lack of self-reflection or introspection


Lack of insight into competence limitations, and acting beyond level of competence

  1. *Adapted from Mak-Van der Vossen et al. 2017.