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Table 1 Participant characteristics and baseline data

From: The relationship between general practitioner movement behaviours with burnout and fatigue


All participants

Sex, female/male, n (%)

24 (51.1) / 23 (49.9)

Age, years, mean (SD)

41.4 (SD 8.3)

BMI, kg/m² (SD)

25.0 (4.5)

Alcohol, units per week (SD)

6.8 (7.0)

Use of active workstation, no/yes, n (%)

42 (91.3) / 4 (8.7)

Average workday sitting time, hours (SD)

10.6 (1.5)

Average non-workday sitting time, hours (SD)

8.0 (1.6)

Average workday standing time, hours (SD)

3.8 (1.3)

Average non-workday standing time, hours (SD)

4.7 (1.4)

Average workday time spent sitting in prolonged uninterrupted bouts (> 30 min), hours (SD)

5.2 (1.6)

Average non-workday time spent sitting in prolonged uninterrupted bouts (> 30 min), hours (SD)

4.0 (1.7)

Average workday step-count (SD)

7795.5 (3116.4)

Average non-workday step-count (SD)


  1. SD = standard deviation, MD = mean difference