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Table 2 Implementation outcomes for each component of the Humanwide precision health pilot

From: Implementation outcomes of Humanwide: integrated precision health in team-based family practice primary care

Implementation Outcomes


Health coaching

Genetic testing

Digital health


Overall 42% (21 of 50)

94% (46 of 50)

80% (40 of 50) average of 2+ sessions

72% (36 of 50)

64% (32 of 50)


(satisfaction, agreeable, palatable with it) what is acceptable

Positive: Patients and providers very positive; perceived as relevant to health

Negative: Specialist resources needed to interpret results

Positive: Engaged patients holistically; interested patients reported value and potential to address health disparities

Negative: Not all patients interested

Positive: Driver for patient participation in Humanwide

Negative: Variants of uncertain significancea

Positive: Helped patients meet health goals; supported strong patient-provider relationships; quicker time to titrate meds

Negative: Data and communication volume create burden for providers


(suitability for everyday use, can be carried out, resources/training/


Positive: Successfully executed


Primary care physicians cannot interpret results; requires specialist;

data integration not standardized in EHR

Positive: Successfully executed

Negative: Availability of resources


Successfully executed

Negative: Requires specialist/ additional training to interpret results; data integration not standardized; specialist access limited


Integrated into regular patient-provider communication

Negative: Technology challenges – Bluetooth pairing

Sustainability/ Spread: Issues that facilitate or threaten spread/scale

Specialist resources needed to interpret results; insurance coverage/cost

Time (providers and patients) and skills needed (providers and staff)

Specialist resources needed to interpret results; insurance coverage/cost

Patient maintenance of digital health monitoring did not occur

  1. aVariants of uncertain significance include incidental findings that are not actionable and are not interpretable based on the current state of the science [17]