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Table 1 Questions used for independent variables

From: Preventive care in general practice among healthy older New South Wales residents

Participant characteristics




Demographic characteristics


What gender are you?

Male, Female




What is your date of birth?




Country of birth*

In which country were you born?

Australia, UK, Ireland, Italy, China, Greece, New Zealand, Germany, Lebanon, Philippines, Netherlands, Vietnam, Malta, Poland, other (please specify)

ABS, 45&Up

Rurality (ARIA+)

What was your most recent previous residential location?

Postcode or Suburb/Town, State/Territory, If overseas, country


Socioeconomic status


What is the highest qualification you have completed?

No school certificate or other qualifications; School or intermediate certification (or equiv); Higher School or leaving certificate (or equiv); Trade/apprenticeship (e.g. hairdresser, chef); Certificate/diploma (e.g. child care, technician); University degree or higher.

Adapted from ABS; 45&Up

Household income

What is your usual yearly household income before tax from all sources? (please include wages, benefits, pensions, superannuation etc.)

<$5,000; $5-9,999; $10-19,999; $20-29,999; $30-39,999; $40-49,999; $50-59,999; $60-69,999; $70-79,999; $80-89,999; $90-119,999; $120-149,999; $150,000 or more; I would rather not answer this questions

ABS, 45&Up

Lifestyle factors

Smoking status

Have you ever been a regular smoker?

Yes, No

ABS, 45&Up


Are you a regular smoker NOW?

Yes No


About how much do you/did you smoke on average each day?

Cigarettes per day; Pipes and Cigars per day



About how much do you weigh?

Kg or Stones and lbs

ABS, 45&Up


How tall are you without your shoes?

cm or feet and inches

ABS, 45&Up

Physical activity

How many times did you do each of these activities last week?

Walking continuously for at least 10 min (Times last wk)

ABS, 45&Up

Vigorous physical activity (Times last wk)

Moderate physical activity (Times last wk)


If you add up all the time you spent doing each activity last week, how much time did you spend altogether doing each type of activity?

Walking continuously for at least 10 min (hrs and mins)


Vigorous physical activity (hours and minutes

Moderate physical activity (hours and minutes)


About how many services of vegetables do you usually eat each day?

Number of services of cooked vegetables each day; Number of services of raw vegetables each day

ABS & 45&up


About how many serves of fruit or glasses of fruit juice do you usually have each day

Number of serves of fruit each day; Number of glasses of fruit juice each day


Health care


Health status

In the last month have you been treated for




High blood pressure

High Cholesterol

Access to GP

Thinking of times when you want to see a particular doctor in your practice or medical centre, how quickly do you usually get to see that doctor?

Same day; next day; 2–3 days; 4–5 days; more than 5 days

Adapted from Comm Fund Survey

Thinking of times when you want to see ANY doctor in your practice or medical centre, how quickly do you usually get to see that doctor?

Same day; next day; 2–3 days; 4–5 days; more than 5 days


If you need to see a GP urgently can you normally get seen on the same day?

Yes, No


Confidence in managing own health

On a scale of 1 to 10, how confident are you that you can do all the things necessary to manage your health on a regular basis?

1 (not at all confident), 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10(totally confident)

  1. * Data from 45 and Up baseline survey.
  2. ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics National Health Survey [32]45&Up repeated 45 and Up baseline survey question [29]Comm Fund Survey Commonwealth Fund Survey 2005 [33].