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Table 5 Cases of non-compliance with the standards identified by the surveyors in the 11 clinics

From: The survey visit as a key evaluative event in accreditation–a qualitative study of survey visit experiences among surveyors and general practice professionals



1. The professional quality

Insufficient use of diagnosis coding (Clinic 5)

2. Use of good clinical practice

Had not selected a specific vulnerable group and made a related procedure for managing them (Clinic 2 and 5)

4. Patient evaluations

Had not yet performed (or finished) the audit of patient records (Clinic 5 and 11)

5. Prevention of confusion of patient’s identity

Did not identify all patients by asking for their social security number (Clinic 3)

Did not write social security number on urin cultivation kits (Clinic 5)

9. The patient health record, data safety and confidentiality

Insufficient patient record keeping (Clinic 5)

14. Hygiene

Inadequate dishwasher (should be replaced) / incorrect use of desinfection fluids (Clinic 2)

Insufficient use of the the autoclave (Clinic 2)

Insufficient use of soap in the sterilisation process (Clinic 5)

Use of normal oven insufficient for sterilisation of instruments (should be replaced with an autoclave) (Clinic 5)

Did not have an apron for use with contagious patients (Clinic 5 and 10)