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Table 4 Vaccination intention in light of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

From: Influenza vaccination during the coronavirus pandemic: intention to vaccinate among the at-risk population in the Central Catalonia Health Region (VAGCOVID)

COVID-19 pandemic and vaccination intention


< 0.001

Yes, regardless of the COVID-19 pandemic

154 (86.5%)

17 (9.55%)

7 (3.93%)

178 (41.0%)


Yes, due to the COVID-19 pandemic

27 (79.4%)

1 (2.94%)

6 (17.6%)

34 (7.8%)


No, in spite of the COVID-19 pandemic

0 (0%)

32 (97.0%)

1 (3.03%)

33 (7.6%)


No, regardless of the COVID-19 pandemic

4 (3.39%)

111 (94.1%)

3 (2.54%)

118 (27.2%)



3 (4.23%)

16 (22.5%)

52 (73.2%)

71 (16.4%)


Mask usage and vaccination intention



I will get vaccinated, even though masks offer protection,

151 (95.0%)

1 (0.63%)

7 (4.40%)

159 (36.6%)


I will get vaccinated as masks don’t offer protection

28 (93.3%)

0 (0%)

2 (6.67%)

30 (6.9%)


Masks don’t offer protection, but I won’t get vaccinated

0 (0%)

110 (99.1%)

1 (0.90%)

111 (25.6%)


Masks offer protection, which is why I won’t get vaccinated

2 (4.26%)

44 (93.6%)

1 (2.13%)

47 (10.8%)



7 (8.05%)

22 (25.3%)

58 (66.7%)

87 (20.0%)


Hand washing and vaccination intention



I will get vaccinated, even though hand washing offers protection.

154 (95.1%)

1 (0.62%)

7 (4.32%)

162 (37.3%)


I will get vaccinated as hand washing doesn’t offer protection

24 (88.9%)

0 (0%)

3 (11.1%)

27 (6.2%)


I won’t get vaccinated, even though hand washing doesn’t offer protection

0 (0%)

106 (98.1%)

2 (1.85%)

108 (24.9%)


I won’t get vaccinated as hand washing offers protection

1 (2.0%)

49 (98.0%)

0 (0%)

50 (11.5%)



9 (10.3%)

21 (24.1%)

57 (65.5%)

87 (20.0%)


Physical distancing and vaccination intention


< 0.001

Social distancing offers protection, I will get vaccinated

152 (96.8%)

0 (0%)

5 (3.18%)

157 (36.2%)


Social distancing doesn’t offer protection, which is why I will get vaccinated

24 (80.0%)

1 (3.33%)

5 (16.7%)

30 (6.9%)


Social distancing doesn’t offer protection, nevertheless, I won’t get vaccinated

1 (0.98%)

99 (97.1%)

2 (1.96%)

102 (23.5%)


Social distancing offers protection, which is why I will get vaccinated

1 (1.79%)

55 (98.2%)

0 (0%)

56 (12.9%)



10 (11.2%)

22 (24.7%)

57 (64.0%)

89 (20.5%)