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Table 1 Characteristics of outpatient cases (n = 302,782)

From: Treating epistaxis – who cares for a bleeding nose? A secondary data analysis of primary and secondary care



(n = 110,352)

ENT specialist

(n = 119,170)


(n = 28,986)

Other specialist

(n = 20,298)


(n = 302,782)

Median age, years (IQR)

52 (21–74)

49 (17–72)

7 (4–11)

58 (23–75)

46 (16–72)



59,723 (54.1%)

66,618 (55.9%)

16,957 (58.5%)

10,338 (50.9%)

166,877 (55.1%)


50,629 (45.9%)

52,552 (44.1%)

12,029 (41.5%)

9960 (49.1%)

135,905 (44.9%)

Comorbidities/ antithrombotic medicationa

 Arterial hypertension (I10-I15)

50,642 (45.9%)

47,118 (39.5%)

369 (1.3%)

9960 (49.1%)

120,702 (39.9%)

 Chron. ischemic heart disease/ Coronary heart disease (I25)

17,789 (16.1%)

17,305 (14.5%)

38 (0.1%)

3797 (18.7%)

43,970 (14.5%)

 Atrial fibrillation/flutter (I48)

11,704 (10.6%)

10,667 (9.0%)

23 (0.1%)

2557 (12.6%)

28,857 (9.5%)


20,417 (18.5%)

19,855 (16.7%)

62 (0.2%)

4538 (22.4%)

51,508 (17.0%)

Co-diagnosed diseasesb


  Respirator. inf. (B34.9, J06, J98.7)

10,410 (9.4%)

2898 (2.4%)

8847 (30.5%)

1452 (7.2%)

24,000 (7.9%)

  Acute rhinitis (J00)

1999 (1.8%)

2729 (2.3%)

1580 (5.5%)

347 (1.7%)

6751 (2.2%)

  Acute bronchitis (J20)

4445 (4.0%)

187 (0.2%)

2543 (8.8%)

729 (3.6%)

7949 (2.6%)

  Hypertensive urgencies (I10.91)

2072 (1.9%)

111 (0.1%)

6 (0.0%)

293 (1.4%)

3171 (1.1%)


  Chron. rhinitis (J31.0)

3555 (3.2%)

26,301 (22.1%)

1678 (5.8%)

533 (2.6%)

32,127 (10.6%)

  Chron. sinusitis (J32)

3176 (2.9%)

6391 (5.4%)

329 (1.1%)

450 (2.2%)

10,377 (3.4%)

  Chron. bronchitis/ COPD (J44)

8642 (7.8%)

355 (0.3%)

374 (1.3%)

1309 (6.5%)

10,703 (3.5%)


  Nasal bone fracture (S02.2)

237 (0.2%)

478 (0.4%)

11 (0.0%)

63 (0.3%)

1046 (0.4%)

  Nasal bone contusion (S00.3)

475 (0.4%)

365 (0.3%)

327 (1.1%)

82 (0.4%)

1749 (0.6%)

  Foreign body, nose (T17.0, T17.1)

18 (0.0%)

662 (0.6%)

11 (0.0%)

11 (0.1%)

711 (0.2%)

  Acquired deformity of the nose (M95.0)

9 (0.0%)

7011 (5.9%)

1 (0.0%)

128 (0.6%)

7.155 (2.4%)


  Malignant tumor of the nasopharynx, nasal (adjacent) cavity (C11, C30, C31)

45 (0.0%)

101 (0.1%)

0 (0.0%)

6 (0.0%)

154 (0.1%)

  Myelodysplastic syndrome (D46)

185 (0.2%)

9 (0.0%)

0 (0.0%)

58 (0.3%)

258 (0.1%)


  Thrombocytopenia (D69.4–.6)

870 (0.8%)

125 (0.1%)

32 (0.1%)

186 (0.9%)

1235 (0.4%)

  Hemophilia A and B (D66, D67)

99 (0.1%)

17 (0.0%)

20 (0.1%)

9 (0.0%)

151 (0.1%)

  Willebrand-Jürgens Sy.(D68.0)

186 (0.2%)

83 (0.1%)

112 (0.4%)

105 (0.5%)

501 (0.2%)

  Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (I78.0)

391 (0.4%)

268 (0.2%)

1 (0.0%)

67 (0.3%)

756 (0.3%)

  Cirrhosis of the liver (K74)

717 (0.7%)

66 (0.1%)

4 (0.0%)

97 (0.5%)

892 (0.3%)

  Liver failure (K70, K72)

700 (0.6%)

16 (0.0%)

1 (0.0%)

135 (0.7%)

854 (0.3%)


  Nasal septum deviation (J34.2)

1203 (1.1%)

12,357 (10.4%)

24 (0.1%)

243 (1.2%)

13,856 (4.6%)

  M. Osler (I78)

481 (0.4%)

1514 (1.3%)

16 (0.1%)

95 (0.5%)

2135 (0.7%)

  Sicca Syndrome (M35.0)

210 (0.2%)

46 (0.0%)

0 (0.0%)

19 (0.1%)

275 (0.1%)

 Medications /Noxae

  Drug abuse (F55)

72 (0.1%)

56 (0.1%)

1 (0.0%)

10 (0.1%)

148 (0.1%)

  Cocaine abuse (F14)

4 (0.0%)

1 (0.0%)

0 (0.0%)

11 (0.1%)

16 (0.0%)

  Alcohol addiction (F10)

2297 (2.1%)

80 (0.1%)

1 (0.0%)

340 (1.7%)

2796 (0.9%)


  Allergy (T78.4)

3502 (3.2%)

1136 (1.0%)

1064 (3.7%)

706 (3.5%)

6416 (2.1%)

  Allergic rhinitis (J30)

5033 (4.6%)

7230 (6.1%)

2241 (7.7%)

712 (3.5%)

15,239 (5.0%)

No other diagnosis

9581 (8.7%)

33,493 (28.1%)

2928 (10.1%)

2799 (13.8%)

66,060 (21.8%)

Median number of co-diagnosed diseases (IQR)b/c

5 (2–12)

1 (0–3)

3 (1–5)

5 (2–11)

2 (1–6)

  1. Note: aDiagnosed in the same quarter as the epistaxis
  2. bDiagnosed with the epistaxis (same case number)
  3. cat 5-digit level of the ICD code. GP general practitioner, ENT ear, nose and throat, IQR interquartile range