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Table 2 Processes of care documented in decedents (n = 79) who did versus did not receive a palliative approach to care

From: Frequency of providing a palliative approach to care in family practice: a chart review and perceptions of healthcare practitioners in Canada

Variables documented in electronic medical record

Overall (n = 79), n (%)

Did the patient receive a palliative approach to care?


Yes (N = 20), n (%)

No (N = 59), n (%)

Mortality Acknowledgement

 Advance Care Planning topics addressed and documented:

  Goals of care for treatment decisions (to pursue a treatment or not and why)

42 (53.2)

18 (90)

24 (40.7)

 < .01

  Understanding of severity of illness (illness awareness)

32 (40.5)

17 (85)

15 (25.4)

 < .01

  Values/beliefs/priorities moving forward

26 (32.9)

18 (90)

8 (13.6)

 < .01

  Do-Not-Resuscitate & Do-Not-Resuscitate Confirmation Form

20 (25.3)

15 (75)

5 (8.5)

 < .01

  Power of Attorney for Personal Care & Substitute Decision Makers

18 (22.8)

9 (45)

9 (15.3)


  Desired place of death

13 (16.5)

11 (55)

2 (3.4)

 < .01


11 (13.9)

11 (55)

0 (0)

 < .01


2 (2.5)

2 (10)

0 (0)


  Funeral arrangements

2 (2.5)

2 (10)

0 (0)



5 (6.3)

2 (10)

3 (5.1)


Quality of Life

 Homecare involvement documented:


32 (40.5)

17 (85)

15 (25.4)

 < .01

  Personal Support Worker

22 (27.8)

10 (50)

12 (20.3)


  Occupational Therapist

8 (10.1)

5 (25)

3 (5.1)



4 (5.1)

2 (10)

2 (3.4)


  Psychosocial/Spiritual Advisor

3 (3.8)

3 (15)

0 (0)


  Registered Dietitian

2 (2.5)

1 (5)

1 (1.17)



12 (15.2)

1 (5)

11 (18.6)


Quality of Life focused symptom discussions documented:

  Physical Symptoms

71 (89.9)

19 (95)

52 (88.1)



8 (10.1)

8 (40)

0 (0)

 < .01

  Symptom Assessment Tools used

5 (6.3)

2 (10)

3 (5.1)



1 (1.3)

1 (5)

0 (0)


Whole-person Care

 Primary care involvement documented:

  Most Responsible Physician

68 (86.1)

20 (100)

48 (81.4)


  Medical Resident

59 (74.7)

18 (90)

41 (69.5)



35 (44.3)

14 (70)

21 (35.6)



17 (21.5)

4 (20)

13 (22.0)


  Occupational Therapist

10 (12.7)

1 (5)

9 (15.3)


  Registered Dietitian

5 (6.3)

0 (0)

5 (8.5)



2 (2.5)

0 (0)

2 (3.4)


  Social Worker

1 (1.3)

1 (5)

0 (0)



23 (29.1)

5 (25)

18 (30.5)


 Caregiver involvement and status documented:

  Caregiver presence documented

47 (59.5)

18 (90.0)

29 (49.2)


  Caregiver concerns documented

39 (49.4)

18 (90.0)

21 (35.6)

 < .01

  Caregiver well-being documented

12 (15.2)

9 (45.0)

3 (5.1)

 < .01

 Whole-person care focused symptom discussions documented:

  Existential/psychosocial/spiritual concerns

33 (41.8)

16 (80)

17 (28.8)

 < .01

  Safety concerns

26 (32.9)

11 (55)

15 (25.4)


  Financial concerns

17 (21.5)

7 (35)

10 (16.9)


  Cultural concerns

1 (1.3)

0 (0)

1 (1.7)


 Phone care documented as ‘Often’ (5 or more phone calls)d

33 (43.4)

15 (75)

18 (32.1)

 < .01

 Documented number of home visits in final year of life, mean (SD)

2.3 (7.1)

4.0 (5.1)

1.7 (7.6)


  1. aPearson’s Chi-Squared Test
  2. bFisher’s Exact Test for categorical data with expected cell sizes < 5
  3. cIndependent samples t-test
  4. dOverall sample of N = 76 due to incomplete chart reviews