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Table 1 Aotearoa/New Zealand’s primary care system

From: Telehealth consultations in general practice during a pandemic lockdown: survey and interviews on patient experiences and preferences

Aotearoa/New Zealand has a strong first-contact primary care system where most general practices operate as small businesses. Currently, the Government pays a fixed amount per quarter for people enrolled in a general practice via weighted capitation payments, with higher payments made for population groups with higher health needs, for those on lower incomes, and for practices offering lower cost care. Standard consultations are typically free for children aged under 14 years. Patients aged 14 years and over are charged co-payments of varying amounts for services, which act as significant barriers to access, particularly for Māori, Pacific peoples and those on lower incomes. A typical charge for an adult is between $50 and $65 dollars; some practices in high deprivation areas are able to charge less. A separate accident compensation scheme subsidies accident-related care, with practices funded on a fee-for-service basis, with subsidies also adjusted for need, income and the offering of lower cost care [9].