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Table 3 Feasibility parameter estimates and 95% confidence intervals

From: Integrated GP care for patients with persistent physical symptoms: feasibility cluster randomised trial

Feasibility parameter

Proportion % [CI]

a. Willingness of GP practices to be contacted about the study (number of GP practices responding out of those approached)

18 [12, 24]

b. Willingness of practices to consent and be randomised (number consenting out of those that were interested)

67 [46, 83]

c. Availability of data needed and the usefulness and limitations of the general practice databases (number of patients identified using GP informatics (search algorithm) out of patients registered with the GP practice).

2 [1, 2]

d. Interest of patients to be contacted about the study (Number of patients responding out of patients identified in search)

25 [23, 26]

e. Rate of eligible participants (Number of patients meeting eligibility criteria out of those interested)

39 [34, 43]

f. Willingness of patients to consent (number consenting out of number eligible)


g. Willingness of participants to complete baseline measures before randomisation (number sending back baseline forms out of number consented)

98 [95, 99]

h. Interest of GPs to attend the GP training (intervention arm only)


i. Participants follow up rates to questionnaires (number of participants completing packs out of those randomised)


12 weeks

88 [82, 93]

24 weeks

87 [81, 92]