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Table 4 Distribution of ultrasound exams by type, stratified by patient sex, and frequency of GPs performing it, over 15 years

From: The use of ultrasound in primary care: longitudinal billing and cross-sectional survey study in Switzerland


Frequency of ultrasound exams


GPs a

Type of ultrasound


n = 76′449

n (%)


n = 53′796

n (%)


n = 130′245

n (%)

n = 104

n (%)

 Head and neck

4′399 (5.75)

1′791 (3.33)

6′190 (4.75)

66 (63.46)

 Breast and axilla

248 (0.32)

7 (0.01)

255 (0.20)

13 (12.50)


42′984 (56.23)

46′140 (85.77)

89′124 (68.43)

101 (97.12)

 Vessels with Doppler

500 (0.65)

500 (0.93)

1000 (0.77)

30 (28.85)

 Musculoskeletal and soft parts

5′222 (6.83)

5′242 (9.74)

10′464 (8.03)

66 (63.46)

 Rectal and/or vaginal endosonography

20′394 (26.68)

46 (0.09)

20′440 (15.69)

26 (25.00)

 Pregnancy related

2′484 (3.25)

2′484 (1.91)

18 (17.31)


218 (0.29)

70 (0.13)

288 (0.22)

14 (13.46)

  1. A dash (−) denotes that there were no observations under this group
  2. aTotal percentage does not add to 100, many GPs performed more than one type. Ultrasound type is organized according to Tarmed classification
  3. bAbdominal ultrasound includes urogenital and transabdominal exams