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Table 1 Characteristics of General Practitioners who participated in Continuing Medical Education program evaluation surveys

From: GP awareness, practice, knowledge and confidence: evaluation of the first nation-wide dementia-focused continuing medical education program in Australia


Program delivery method




Large group

Small groupa




(n, %)

(n, %)

(n, %)

(n, %)

Age in years (n = 1311)

  < 35

23, 8.7

207, 46.5

96, 15.9

326, 24.9

 35 to 44

45, 17.0

91, 20.4

191, 31.7

327, 24.9

 45 to 54

64, 24.2

59, 13.3

149, 24.8

272, 20.7

 55 to 64

65, 24.6

50, 11.2

93, 15.4

208, 15.9


67, 25.4

38, 8.5

73, 12.1

178, 13.6

Sex (n = 1309)


127, 48.1

267, 60.3

276, 45.8

670, 51.2


137, 51.9

176, 39.7

326, 54.2

639, 48.8

Working status (n = 1286)

 Working full-time

149, 60.1

335, 76.8

398, 66.1

882, 68.6

 Working part-time

99, 39.9

101, 23.2

204, 33.9

404, 31.4

Years in practice (n = 1326)

  < 5

25, 9.6

210, 47.7

143, 22.8

378, 28.5

 5 to 10

28, 10.8

90, 20.5

152, 24.3

270, 20.4

 11 to 15

29, 11.2

21, 4.8

87, 13.9

137, 10.3

 16 to 20

26, 10.0

25, 5.7

59, 9.4

110, 8.3

  > 20

152, 58.5

94, 21.4

185, 29.6

431, 32.5

Practice profile (n = 1262)

 Solo GPb

28, 11.4

39, 9.4

84, 14.0

151, 12.0

 2 to 5 GPs

101, 41.2

141, 34.0

302, 50.2

544, 43.1

 6+ GPs

116, 47.3

235, 56.6

216, 35.9

567, 44.9

Ruralityc (n = 1251)

 Major city

150, 62.8

215, 51.3

435, 73.4

800, 63.9


87, 36.4

198, 47.3

151, 25.5

436, 35


2, 0.8

6, 1.4

7, 1.2

15, 1.1

  1. a Small group participants included 258 registrars
  2. bGP General Practitioner
  3. c “Rurality” based on Accessibility / Remoteness Index of Australia (ARIA+) remoteness ratings