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Table 2 Exclusion criteria

From: Safety, efficiency and health-related quality of telephone triage conducted by general practitioners, nurses, or physicians in out-of-hours primary care: a quasi-experimental study using the Assessment of Quality in Telephone Triage (AQTT) to assess audio-recorded telephone calls



Frequent callers

Defined as patients with ≥7 calls during the two-week inclusion period (assessment of the triage quality could be difficult as the patient’s medical record from the OOH service could include important information on these patients that was available only to the triage professional and not to the assessor)

Call by mistake

Calls with no caller answering the triage professional.

Daytime calls

Calls performed during daytime (the telephone triage service at MH-1813 was available during daytime)

Other health professionals

The caller was another healthcare professional, e.g. from a nursing home

Administrative calls

The reason for calling was administrative, e.g. calling to get the number for the acute dentist

Simple drug prescriptions

The patient called for renewal of a prescription that required little information sharing

Preterm termination

Calls that were ended too early, e.g. calls made by error, no sound on call, or sound interrupted in the middle of call

Other localisation

Calls from a caller who was not in the same location as the patient, e.g. parent on the way to pick up a sick child from day care

Poor sound quality

Calls with poor sound quality (making assessment difficult)

Language issues

Calls in which language issues challenged the triage, i.e. caller did not speak Danish or English

Not able to identify call

Random calls where an exact linkage to the corresponding audio-recorded call or the audio recording could not be established