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Table 1 Description of the OOH organisations in two included telephone triage models

From: Safety, efficiency and health-related quality of telephone triage conducted by general practitioners, nurses, or physicians in out-of-hours primary care: a quasi-experimental study using the Assessment of Quality in Telephone Triage (AQTT) to assess audio-recorded telephone calls


GP cooperative (GPC)

Medical helpline 1813 (MH-1813)


Central Denmark Region

Capital Region of Denmark


1.2 m citizens [28]

1.8 m citizens [29]

Telephone calls in 2014 [30]




GPs in the region

Regional administration

Organisation and services

▪ Telephone triage, home visits, and face-to-face consultations at the GPC

▪ GPs are obliged to take part in the service

▪ Telephone triage and home visits run by MH-1813

▪ Face-to-face consultations are located in hospital facilities and managed by EDs

Remuneration of professionals

Fee for service

Payment by the hour

Triage professional

GPs or GP trainees in their final year of speciality; no CDSS available

Nurses who are obliged to use a CDSS and option to redirect calls to a physician Physicians with different medical specialities (a minority being GPs)