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Table 4 Areas/questions of importance in relation to the work place, as described by physicians, for work capacity assessments of patients with common mental disorders, (category 3: sub-category 3a and 3c)

From: The capacity to work puzzle: a qualitative study of physicians’ assessments for patients with common mental disorders

Sub-category 3a: work setting, work tasks and work demands:

Type of occupation

Form of employment (permanent, limited, other)

Any recent work changes (reorganization, new duties/routines/responsibilities, new manager/colleague)

Amount of influence and decision making in own work situation

Timely issues:

working time (hours/week, hours/day, shift work, overtime)

work day breaks, possibilities to take breaks, avoiding breaks (why)

adherence to times, work speed demands, keeping up the pace of the work

Type of work tasks and inherent demands:

simple or complex tasks

physical demands

mental demands (concentration, memory, endure stress, planning, multitasking, understanding information, communication, expressing oneself)

emotional demands (being alert, interactions and cooperation with other people, handle other peoples’ emotional reactions such as customers, pupils, clients)

Work environment:

amount of surrounding stimuli and sounds

working alone or in group settings

often interrupted or disturbed

amount of support from colleagues/manager

Earlier work capacity (present work, earlier work)

Any work accommodations: what kind of adjustments

Sub-category 3c: the patient him/herself:

formal and informal roles (e.g. being the most experienced/longest employed and therefore often asked questions)

likes his/her job and work tasks

work motivation in both actual and earlier jobs

earlier work experiences (including reasons for leaving/changing jobs)

having education/qualification for the job, feeling comfortable with work tasks

relationship with colleagues, manager (supportive, reliance, unfriendly, conflicts)


sexual harassment or assault at work

what has the patient told the manager/colleagues about his/her work problems and responses to that

in the patient’s opinion, what does manager/colleagues think of the patient’s work performance (trust/complaints)