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Table 5 Questions to guide the focus groups of participants and healthcare professionals

From: Implementation of a multidisciplinary psychoeducational intervention for Parkinson’s disease patients and carers in the community: study protocol

Focus groups with people with Parkinson and family carers

 • What do you think of the contents of the workshop?

 • What do you think about the way in which the workshop took place?

 • Could some aspects be improved?

 • What have you got from participating in these workshops?

 • How would you now rate your ability to cope with the disease?

Focus group with healthcare professionals

 • What is your opinion of the content of the intervention?

 • What do you think about the way in which the intervention took place?

 • How do you think the information has been understood by the participants?

 • What was the attitude of the participants in the intervention?

 • How do you think the intervention may have influenced the psychosocial adjustment of the patients and family members?

 • How might the sessions have changed the attitude of the participants to cope with the disease?

 • How do you think could be the implementation of the intervention into care pathways?