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Table 2 GPs’ key concepts for multidisciplinary elderly care teams – ‘GPs see the bigger picture’

From: The role of the general practitioner in multidisciplinary teams: a qualitative study in elderly care


1. Key concepts


Starting teams


Experienced teams


Networking (community level)


Establishing contacts with community partners, health insurers, hospitals, social services


Developing and maintaining contacts


Facilitating (organizational level)


Choosing an EPR, negotiating with health insurers and social and care services, setting up an MTM


Adjusting MTM to demands of time, quality improvement


Team building (professional level)


Team composition (type of professionals, selection of organizations, competencies, personality), distribution of tasks and responsibilities, improve connection among professionals


Encouragement of team members, equivalence between team members and GP(s)


Integrating care (patient level)


Coordination of care in the medical domain, keeping an overview of care, connecting domains (hospitals, primary care, nursing homes, social services, community services, prevention)


Prevention of decline / preservation of functioning, keeping an overview, delivering proactive care.


Leadership (personal level)


Passion for care for older people, clear vision, endurance, drive, taking responsibility


Focusing on medical domain, background position, relying on skills of team members, coordination of care

  1. EPR electronic patient record, GP general practitioner, MTM multidisciplinary team meeting