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Table 1 Characteristics of GP trainees and training module, GP trainers, and GP trainee satisfaction with GP training module in GP practice, stratified by whether former trainees became GPs by 2016

From: Optional part-time and longer GP training modules in GP practices associated with more trainees becoming GPs – a cohort study in Switzerland

GP trainee and GP training module


n = 381


n = 218 (57%)


n = 133 (35%)


Female, n (%)

233 (66.4)

142 (65.1)

91 (68.4)


Age, mean (SD)

33.7 (4.1)

34.5 (4.1)

32.4 (3.6)


Year of graduation from medical school, mean, rounded (SD)

2005 (4)

2003 (4)

2007 (4)


Time range of training module, n (% per column)




103 (29.3)

81 (37.2)

22 (16.5)



135 (38.5)

94 (43.1)

41 (30.8)



113 (32.2)

43 (19.7)

70 (52.6)


Average number of years between graduation and start of GP training (SD)

4.2 (1.9)

4.5 (1.9)

3.8 (1.8)


Length of training module in months (calculated based on 100%), n (% per column)



  < 6 months

81 (23.1)

48 (22.0)

33 (24.8)


 6–9 months

222 (63.3)

132 (60.6)

90 (67.7)


 9–12 or more months

48 (13.7)

38 (17.4)

10 (7.5)


GP trainer characteristics

 Female, n (%)

20 (5.9)

12 (5.7)

8 (6.1)


 Age, mean (SD)

54.7 (7.6)

54.6 (7.6)

54.8 (7.5)


Office type, n (% per column)



 Solo practice

151 (46.6)

95 (47.5)

56 (45.2)


 Dual practice

71 (21.9)

46 (23.0)

25 (20.2)


 Group practice

102 (31.5)

59 (29.5)

43 (34.7)


Tertile of populationb near GP office (calculated by zip code) n (% per column)



  < 4000 inhabitants

118 (34.3)

78 (36.5)

40 (30.8)


 4000–12,000 inhabitants

114 (33.1)

66 (30.8)

48 (36.9)


  > 12,000 inhabitants

112 (32.6)

70 (32.7)

42 (32.3)


GP trainee satisfaction with GP training module in practice

 Overall satisfaction, scalec (SD)

3.7 (0.7)

3.8 (0.6)

3.6 (0.8)


 Quality of supervision by GP trainer, scored (range 1–42) (SD)

31.0 (7.6)

31.6 (7.6)

30.1 (7.5)


 Perceived competencies acquired during training, scalec (SD)

2.9 (0.9)

3.2 (0.8)

2.5 (0.8)


 Quality of teaching by GP trainer, scored (range 1–21) (SD)

18.8 (3.3)

18.9 (3.3)

18.7 (3.4)


  1. aWe could not asses 30 (7.9%), so the combined groups total 351 instead of 381 individuals
  2. bWe used ZIP codes of GP offices and linked them to 2014 census data to determine population density (source: Bundesamt für Statistik)
  3. cAnswers were rated 1 “not true”, 2 “mostly not true”, 3 “mostly true”, 4 “true”
  4. dWe assessed this with multiple questions. For analysis purposes, we summarized the answers in a single continuous score. The higher the score, the better the evaluation