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Table 3 Assessment of participants’ blood pressure measurement technique, pre- and post-program (N = 210)

From: Promoting sustainability in quality improvement: an evaluation of a web-based continuing education program in blood pressure measurement

Observed behavior

Encounters, N (%) Pre-intervention

Encounters, N (%) Post-intervention


Total Observations

122 (58%)

88 (42%)


Clinical staff behavior

 Explains protocol

72 (59%)

70 (80%)

< 0.01

 Does not give vaccine during blood pressure measurement

122 (100%)

88 (100%)


 Does not do fingerstick during blood pressure measurement

118 (97%)

85 (97%)


 Positions patient with back supported

119 (98%)

87 (99%)


 Positions patient with legs uncrossed

114 (94%)

87 (99%)


 Uses correct cuff size

117 (97%)

82 (93%)


 Palpates brachial artery

16 (13%)

7 (8%)


 Measures blood pressure in right arm

77 (64%)

37 (42%)

< 0.01

 Applies cuff to bare arm or over thin sleeve

113 (93%)

85 (97%)


 Positions patient with arm supported

107 (88%)

67 (76%)


 Positions patient with arm at heart level

119 (98%)

61 (69%)

< 0.01

 Uses device with P-set on auto mode

117 (98%)

87 (99%)


 Uses device in Average mode

78 (66%)

85 (97%)

< 0.01

 Provides patient with a rest period

80 (66%)

75 (85%)

< 0.01

 Records average of 3 blood pressure readings

76 (63%)

84 (95%)

< 0.01

Patient behaviors

 Patient remains in position throughout measurement

112 (93%)

86 (98%)


 Patient remains quiet during cuff inflation

94 (78%)

75 (85%)


 Patient remains still during cuff inflation

102 (84%)

47 (53%)

< 0.01