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Table 2 Data extraction

From: Correlation between patients’ reasons for encounters/health problems and population density in Japan: a systematic review of observational studies coded by the International Classification of Health Problems in Primary Care (ICHPPC) and the International Classification of Primary care (ICPC)



Year of publication





The categories of setting are based on description in each included study

Study period


Number of facilities


Total number of patients


Total number of encounters


Total number of RFEs


Total number of health problems

Proportion of “non-internal medicine-related”

RFEs in the top 20 RFEs

Proportion of “non-internal medicine-related”

health problems in the top 20 health problems





Primary outcome measures

RFEs (first visit, periodic visit)/health problems (acute, chronic)

Distinction between acute and chronic

Quality of coding

Prospective or retrospective


Single or multiple evaluator


Description of coding training

Prospective or retrospective

Number of evaluators

  1. RFEs: reasons for encounters
  2. ICHPPC: International Classification of Health Problems in Primary Care
  3. ICPC: International Classification of Primary Care