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Table 3 General and practice-related usage of the internet (N = 771)

From: Guided online self-management interventions in primary care: a survey on use, facilitators, and barriers

Internet usage




n = 481 (%)

n = 290 (%)

General internet usage


 (Virtually) every day

437 (90.9)

282 (97.2)

 Several times a week

31 (6.4)

6 (2.1)

 1 day a week to (virtually) never

13 (2.6)

2 (0.7)

Subjective internet skills


 Good-very good

379 (78.8)

222 (76.6)


76 (15.8)

57 (19.7)

 Poor-very poor

26 (5.4)

11 (3.8)

Work-related internet usage

481 (100.0)

290 (100.0)

 Searching for referral information

456 (94.8)

243 (83.8)

 Searching for medical information

433 (90.0)

245 (84.5)

 E-mail communication with patients

329 (68.4)

272 (93.8)

 Searching for insurances and reimbursements

142 (29.5)

211 (72.8)

Available technologies in health care practice


 Electronic medical records

424 (88.1)

205 (70.7)

 Website with patient information

304 (63.2)

236 (86.1)

 Online self-management modules

175 (36.4)

62 (21.4)

 Webportal with patient records

158 (32.8)

31 (10.7)


136 (30.1)

66 (22.8)

 Electronic/online screening

129 (26.8)

91 (31.4)

 Online appointment tool

133 (23.5)

54 (18.6)