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Table 3 Summary of GP attributes associated with the principal components linked to intention to leave general practice within the next 5 years

From: Retaining the general practitioner workforce in England: what matters to GPs? A cross-sectional study

Principal Component

Associated GP attributes

(likelihood ratio test significance)

Overall workload

- Age < 50 years (p < 0.001)

- GP principal (p < 0.001)

Working conditions

- Age < 50 years (p < 0.001)

- Male (p < 0.001)

- GP appraiser (p < 0.001)

- Smaller practice size (p < 0.001)

Work-life flexibility

- Age < 50 years (p = 0.002)

- Female (p = 0.002)

- Fewer years in practice (p < 0.001)

- Smaller practice size (p = 0.006)

- Portfolio career GP (p = 0.02)

Personal development

- Female (p = 0.013)

- >10 years in service (p = 0.012)

- GP principal (p = 0.029)