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Table 2 Quotes on life burdens

From: Previous experiences and emotional baggage as barriers to lifestyle change - a qualitative study of Norwegian Healthy Life Centre participants


Quotes on family, work and social issues

Female 40–49 years

“I was bullied at my work place by almost all colleagues. I was also bullied in younger years. I think it makes me more vulnerable, all those memories from earlier bullying came alive with this new bulling at my work place. I have been crying a lot…”

Female 40–49 years

“I don’t have any contact with my parents. I ended up with an abusive man. When I found myself a new man it was also a violent relationship....” In addition, one of my children have ADHD and I have been struggling a lot with all these things…”

Female 40–49 years

“My daughter is struggling in the same way as me with psychological problems and suicidal thoughts. I have several suicide attempts behind me. My daughter and I like to be at home by ourselves and I think that because of our problems we do not socialize much…”

Male 50–59 years

“When I first got married it turned out my wife was an alcoholic and her doctor said that she had little left time to live if she continued drinking like that. So with all the uncertainty with my wife being an alcoholic it all got messy. But I have to help her and be there for here, I cannot just run away…”

Male 50–59 years

“My daughter is a drug addict and I have tried to help her many times, knowing she would take all my money and run away again as she always does. Now I have not seen her in a while…”

Female > 60 years

“My daughter was abused as a child and she had many problems growing up, but it was as an adult she came forward and told me what had happened. She is mentally ill because of what happened and I have to be there for her and help her as she is often hospitalized. I have been feeling a lot of guilt and I do not understand that the abuse could have happened without me not knowing…”

Female >60 years

“I moved from my first husband because he was violent. I felt that it was better for the children to grow up with only their mother. Then I got a new husband and he had mental problems, which was demanding. I have now lost my husband and I also lost my boy, he became a drug addict …”