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Table 3 Cross-table of the results of the BinaxNOW and Urine Antigen Detection assays*

From: Pneumococcal lower respiratory tract infections in adults: an observational case-control study in primary care in Belgium


BinaxNOW assay

Total N(%)

Negative N(%)

Positive N(%)

Urine Antigen Detection Assay

Negative N(%)

434 (95.2)

7 (1.5)

441 (96.7)

Positive N(%)

10 (2.2)

5 (1.1)

15 (3.3)


Total N (%)

444 (97.4)

12 (2.6)

456 (100.0)

  1. *: 88 contaminated samples were eliminated from the analysis