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Table 5 Final factor solution

From: Measuring patient-perceived continuity of care for patients with long-term conditions in primary care



Factor 1:

Factor 2:

Factor 3:

Interpersonal trust

Interpersonal knowledge and information

Provides consistent care

(Patient to Doctor)

(Doctor to Patient)

α = 0.76

α =0.7

α =0.72

Get appropriate referrals (2 J)




Trust a recommended specialist (2 M)




Trust my doctor (2O)




Doctor knows about my family members (2D)




Doctor knows about family problems (2 F)




Doctor explains things to me (2G)




Care for all problems (1H)




Would provide care if going to hospital (2 K)




Would provide care in an emergency (2 L)




  1. Higher factor loadings are indicated in bold type.
  2. Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
  3. Rotation converged in 5 iterations.