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Table 1 Acute respiratory tract episodes divided into localisation and type (with the corresponding ICPC codes)

From: Diagnostic labelling as determinant of antibiotic prescribing for acute respiratory tract episodes in general practice

Labelled as symptom:

Labelled as infection:

Upper respiratory tract:

Upper respiratory tract:

R07 sneezing/nasal congestion

R72 strep throat

R09 sinus symptom/complaint

R74 acute upper respiratory infection

R21 throat symptom/complaint

R75 sinusitis acute/chronic

R22 tonsils symptom/complaint

R76 acute tonsillitis

H01 ear pain/earache

H71 acute otitis media/myringitis

Lower respiratory tract:

Lower respiratory tract:

R05 cough

R77 acute laryngitis/tracheitis