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Table 1 Interview guide

From: Experiences of patients identifying with chronic Lyme disease in the healthcare system: a qualitative study

Health belief model construct/mediating factors


Perceived Susceptibility

How would you describe your health prior to CLD?


Is there anything that you could have done differently to avoid getting CLD?


Is there anything that people can do to avoid getting CLD?

Perceived Severity

How did you feel when you were diagnosed with (or discovered that you had) CLD?


How has CLD affected your life?


What does having CLD mean to you?

Perceived Benefits

What treatments have you had for CLD?


How have these treatments affected you?

Perceived Barriers

Have there been any obstacles that you have encountered in getting treatment for CLD?


What needs to be done to restore you to optimum health?


Do you anticipate that you’ll fully recover from CLD?


What have the doctors that have least helped your CLD not done for you?

Cues to Action

What kinds of support (community, family, friends, health care providers, CLD support groups, internet newsgroups, CLD activism groups, etc.) have you had during your CLD?


How have these support systems affected your CLD?


What motivates you in your struggle with CLD?

Self Efficacy

What can doctors do to more effectively care for patients with CLD?


What can the community do to best support people with CLD?

CLD Diagnosis and Healthcare System

Why does CLD best fit your symptoms?


Have you ever doubted that you have CLD?


How do you think conventional health care providers view CLD patients?


How do you think LLMDs view CLD patients?


What have the doctors that have helped your CLD the most done for you?

  1. CLD = Chronic Lyme disease.
  2. LLMD = Lyme literate medical doctors.