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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of patients

From: Integrating a tailored e-health self-management application for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients into primary care: a pilot study


N = 11

Age (range), yr

Median = 56 (39 to 82)




8 (72.7%)


3 (27.3%)



 Stage 0

1 (9.1%)

 Stage 1

3 (27.3%)

 Stage 2

7 (63.6%)

FEV1% post-BD (range)

Median = 64.3 (45.2 to 74.0)

BMI (range)

Median = 26.2 (17.3 to 31.4)

Marital Status


 In a relationship

1 (9.1%)


9 (81.8%)


1 (9.1)




11 (100%)

Education level


 Primary school/basic vocational school

3 (27.3%)

 Secondary vocational school/high school degree

7 (63.6%)

 Higher professional degree/university degree

1 (9.1%)

Current work status



8 (72.7%)

 Not employed

3 (27.3%)