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Table 2 Main themes of the baseline interviews with patients and informal caregivers

From: End of life care for frail older patients in family practice (ELFOP) – protocol of a longitudinal qualitative study on needs, appropriateness and utilisation of services

Patient interview – main themes

Informal caregiver interview – main themes

▪ Development of their health (problems), Illness/frailty experience

▪ Development of the patients’ and their own health (problems), illness/frailty experience

▪ Challenges and coming to terms with health problems/impairments in daily living

▪ Challenges and coming to terms with health problems/impairments in daily living

▪ Support needs

▪ Patients’ and their own support needs

▪ Perceived informal/family support

▪ Perceived informal/family support (in caring for the patients)

▪ Perceived health care/professional support

▪ Perceived health care/ professional support for the patient and themself

▪ (Social) Participation

▪ (Social) Participation of the patient and themself

▪ Future prospects, concerns, and wishes

▪ Future prospects, concerns, and wishes

▪ Biographical and social background

▪ Biographical and social background

▪ SHARE FI Questionnaire, and grip strength measurement