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Table 1 The SPHERE Study

From: Do practitioners and friends support patients with coronary heart disease in lifestyle change? a qualitative study


Randomised controlled trial.


General practices in Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland.


903 patients with CHD within 48 practices.

Patient eligibility

Existing CHD (myocardial infarction, coronary artery bypass graft or angioplasty, angina). Patients with significant mental or physical illness excluded.


Tailored care plans for practices (training in prescribing and behaviour change, administrative support, quarterly newsletter); tailored care plans for patients (motivational interviewing, goal identification, target setting, review four monthly until 18 month follow up).

Outcome measures

Included: primary: blood pressure, total cholesterol, hospital admissions; secondary: body mass index, exercise (Godin Leisure-Time questionnaire), diet (DINE questionnaire), smoking status.


No significant differences between intervention and control groups relating to blood pressure and cholesterol. Hospital admissions for intervention group significantly decreased compared to control group.