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Table 1 Areas covered in the CRF and the patient symptom diary

From: Building an international network for a primary care research program: reflections on challenges and solutions in the set-up and delivery of a prospective observational study of acute cough in 13 European countries

CRF question areas

Patient Diary question areas

Location of the consultation

Main reasons for consulting

14 Symptoms and their reported severity at presentation

Daily rating of 13 symptoms


Questions about the present illness


Smoking history

Physical examinations performed and findings

Social demographic factors (e.g. educational qualifications, job, numbers of persons living in the house)

Investigations ordered (e.g. blood tests and × rays)

Use of health care facilities - visited and contacted (e.g. GP, Nurse, pharmacist)



Treatment details including antibiotics and over the counter medications

Expectations about treatment

Follow up arrangements

Hospital admission

Advice about work

Weekly questions ask about medication use, work attendance, brief quality of life questions (EQ-5D).

Patient expectations

Beliefs about antibiotics.

Perceptions of patient satisfaction