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Table 1 Patients' and GPs' Characteristics

From: The provision of out-of-hours care and associated costs in an urban area of Switzerland: a cost description study


General Practitioners*

All patients*

Patients with economic analysis*

Patients without economic analysis*


N = 125

N = 685

N = 469

N = 216

Gender #

n = 125

n = 323

n = 233

n = 90

Women, No. (%)

31 (24.8)

210 (65.0)

147 (63.1)

63 (70.0)

Men, No. (%)

94 (75.2)

113 (35.0)

86 (36.9)

27 (30.0)


n = 124

n = 525

n = 415

n = 110

Years, mean (SD)

49 (5.9)

59 (23.8)

60 (24.0)

55 (22.7)

Experience in the current out-of-hours service

n = 101


<2 years, No. (%)

11 (10.9)




2-5 years, No. (%)

15 (14.9)




6-10 years, No. (%)

26 (25.7)




>10 years, No. (%)

49 (48.5)




GP of their own


n = 567

n = 455

n = 112

Patient with GP, No. (%)


481 (84.8)

385 (84.6)

96 (85.7)

Patient without GP, No. (%)


86 (15.2)

70 (15.4)

16 (14.3)

  1. *For each subgroup the number of patients with valid data is indicated; #Patient gender relates to period JAN to FEP 2009;