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Table 2 Demographic details: family members

From: An exploration of lifestyle beliefs and lifestyle behaviour following stroke: findings from a focus group study of patients and family members


Frequency %




11 (55)


9 (45)



   35-44 yrs

1 (5)

   45-54 yrs

3 (15)

   55-64 yrs

6 (30)

   65-74 yrs

7 (35)

   75-84 yrs

3 (15)

Median 64 yrs; range 42-79 yrs

Marital status



3 (15)


16 (80)


1 (5)

Living with PwS/PwA



17 (85)


3 (15)



   paid employment

3 (15)


3 (15)


14 (70)

Caring input



15 (75)


17 (89.5)

  1. Key: PwS: person who has had a stroke; PwA: person who has aphasia following stroke