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Table 2 Video fragments in which the GP or patient takes the initiative to discuss lifestyle behaviour of the patient

From: Discussing patient's lifestyle choices in the consulting room: analysis of GP-patient consultations between 1975 and 2008


GP: How are you doing with the smoking? (Initiative GP)


Pt: I'm not!.. smoking anymore.


GP: Very good!


GP: So you are here for the blood pressure check. I see it's been a while.


Pt: Yes it has. I'm working out now a lot... a lot! (Initiative patient)


GP: You say a lot. Did you lose some weight also?


Pt: Yes, 33 pounds in total!


GP: How much do you weigh now?


Pt: uhmm about 200 pounds.


GP: Ok. It's quite a lot...losing 33 pounds I mean.


Pt: Yes, with help from a dietician


GP: It doesn't matter how you do it! And what do you want to weight? What is your goal?


Pt: I think 176 pounds would be nice. But now it is difficult.


GP: Yes, the first pounds are easy, but well every pound counts. You should keep up the good work!


Pt: My throat hurts from coughing.


GP: And you don't touch the cigarettes? (Initiative GP)


Pt: No, because I have a fake cigarette now.


GP: How is that working for you?


Pt: I'll get used to it, although it is so heavy


GP: But you do use it?


Pt: Yes


GP: And no more cigarettes?


Pt: Well, I'm finishing the last ones.


GP: Ok. But it helps you when you smoke the fake cigarette?


Pt: Yes, it's just like a normal cigarette, with smoke and everything.

  1. GP = General practitioner, Pt = patient