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Table 5 Relative risk for OAB by BMI category

From: Prevalence, evaluation and management of overactive bladder in primary care


Risk Ratio (RR)**

Comparison group*


95% CI


All women


   BMI 25.0–29.9




   BMI ≥30.0


1.04 – 2.84


Premenopausal women


   BMI 25.0–29.9




   BMI ≥30.0


1.05 – 3.74


Postmenopausal women


   BMI 25.0–29.9




   BMI ≥30.0




  1. *Women in the corresponding age group with BMI < 25 served as the reference group
  2. ** Risk ratio was calculated only when p < .05;
  3. Risk ratio = prevalence of OAB in women with comparison BMI/prevalence of OAB in women with reference BMI of < 25